We are the most active ans trustful guessing forum for all kalyan users and milan users.apart from guessing users can also show their guessing skills to win exciting prizes daily.Our Guessing forum includes Rajdhani daily open to close, aaj kalyan me kya aayega ,kalyan fix guessing, milan day and night fix guessing matka guessing, 143 guessing etc.
Matka Follow Rules:-
Users must have to follow the rules and regulations before posting anything on the guessing forum. All users are allowed to post only 2OPEN or CLOSE, 6 JODI, 8 PANA and also users must have to post their guessing before 20mints of result time.
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:dance: [lol] :goodjob: :welcome: :balleballe: :congratulations: :banned: :congrats: :dilse: more emoji
Kalyan 22=23=28 26=66=62 679=237=390=778 367=268=178=349
KALYAN ____________ THE DURBY JACKPOT ____________________ 116_________80_________190 116_________80_________280 116_________80_________370 116_________80_________460 116_________80_________550 ((___35___)) 30___85
SRIDEVI ___________ 128________14________149 127________06________169 19__01
TIME BAJAR _____________ 660________28________125 115________73_______670 26__23 78__71
Sridevi day Open:-3___7 Jodi:-32_36_39_76_74_70
Milan day Open:-1___9 Jodi:-12_14_10_92_95_98
Rajdhani day Open:-8___2 Jodi:-87_86_84_21_25_29
Kalyan Open:-7___2 Jodi:-71_79_75_26_29_20
SRIDEVI 5 55 555 5555 55555 555555 55555 5555 555 55 5 690--55--348 790--65--177 56___50___60__64
KALYAN 400 ••• 455 900 ••• 559 ••••9••••••4•••• JODI ••• 92 ••• 97 ••• ••• 42 ••• 47 •••
MILAN DAY 168 = 51 = 380 56 = 50 = 15 = 10 = 16 _________GOOD LUCK_________
MILAN DAY 168 = 51 = 380 56 = 50 = 15 = 10 = 16 _________GOOD LUCK_________
VI DAY 369 = 89 = 270 84 = 81 = 98 = 93 = 91 _________GOOD LUCK_________
KALYAN 3333333 8888888 36 31 81 86 238 378
KALYAN 790_______62_______246 790_______69_______126
Time bazaar 13-18-12-17-19 ----63------
Kalyan [34 - 31 - 32] [84 - 81 - 82] 139 - 189 - 300 - 800 350 - 170 - 490 - 166
SRIDEVI DAY 369 = 89 = 270 84 = 81 = 98 = 93 = 91
KALYAN 400 ••• 455 900 ••• 559 ••••9••••••4•••• JODI ••• 92 ••• 97 ••• ••• 42 ••• 47 •••
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