We are the most active ans trustful guessing forum for all kalyan users and milan users.apart from guessing users can also show their guessing skills to win exciting prizes daily.Our Guessing forum includes Rajdhani daily open to close, aaj kalyan me kya aayega ,kalyan fix guessing, milan day and night fix guessing matka guessing, 143 guessing etc.
Matka Follow Rules:-
Users must have to follow the rules and regulations before posting anything on the guessing forum. All users are allowed to post only 2OPEN or CLOSE, 6 JODI, 8 PANA and also users must have to post their guessing before 20mints of result time.
Broking matka posting rules may result in termination of your account without any notification.
:dance: [lol] :goodjob: :welcome: :balleballe: :congratulations: :banned: :congrats: :dilse: more emoji
KALYAN SINGLE TO SINGLE 666666 666666 666666 666666 666666 666666 268----(67)----458 GOOD LUCK ✌️
MILAN DAY CLSOE 20 - 25 - (STRONG)✔ 145 , 569 , 123 168 , 456 , 367 26 - (SUPPORT)✔
MILAN DAY CLSOE 7777777 7777777 7777777 7777777 133-138
KALYAN 0 00 0000 00000 00000000 0000000000 334➖09➖234 569➖09➖577 389➖09➖234 03➖08➖54➖53➖58 366➖➖889
KALYAN 74___70___79 47___43___42 GL
KALYAN 01_06_03_06_81_86 0_334_569_235_127 8_350_125_233_459 GOOD LUCK
KALYAN 10________12__________13 31_______32_________33 Gud luck
KALYAN SINGLE TO SINGLE 666666 666666 666666 666666 666666 666666 268----(67)----458 GOOD LUCK ✌️
KALYAN 2 0 2 0 138 X 20 X 479 479 X 02 X 138 good luck
KALYAN _____________ 33__670 38__170 88__170 83__670 35_____________85 =≠=≠=≠=≠=≠=≠=≠=≠=≠=≠=≠=≠
milan day 42/47 257 257---42---589 257---47---160 Good Luck
KALYAN 2 7 23_______________28 70___75____73____78 200____________700
RAJDHANI DAY 5555555 555555 55555 9999 999 99 52...58...54 96...99...93 267......690 568......450
KALYAN 34_39_84_89 83____81 247_279 GOOD LUCK
Milan day 240 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 240-62-110 110-26-24 Good Luck
MILAN NIGHT 3 238 - 38 - 189 ROHIT....
Rajdhani day 67__62__68__63 26_____&&&&____21 240.259.570.480
KALYAN 238 - 35 - 456 189 - 87 - 467 PLAY HARD
MILAN DAY 6 9 97_98_99 66_67_68 457___469 GOOOOD LUCKK
Milan day 44444 99999 47,49,42 92,97,94 good luck
KALYAN 14 41 14 14-15-26 41-40-49 560-100-470-128 347-400-590-112
Milan day 12-17-18 62-67-68 LIVE thoko
KALYAN OPEN 3 8 JODI 32---37---39 82---87---80 GOOD LUCK
DHAMAKA KALYAAAAAN 55555555555555 99999999999999
Rajdhani day 50-55-56 01-00-05 LIVE SHOW
KALYAN ____6____ SINGLE OPEN SHOW 62_67_63_68_64_69 ✅🔜🔜
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