We are the most active ans trustful guessing forum for all kalyan users and milan users.apart from guessing users can also show their guessing skills to win exciting prizes daily.Our Guessing forum includes Rajdhani daily open to close, aaj kalyan me kya aayega ,kalyan fix guessing, milan day and night fix guessing matka guessing, 143 guessing etc.
Matka Follow Rules:-
Users must have to follow the rules and regulations before posting anything on the guessing forum. All users are allowed to post only 2OPEN or CLOSE, 6 JODI, 8 PANA and also users must have to post their guessing before 20mints of result time.
Broking matka posting rules may result in termination of your account without any notification.
:dance: [lol] :goodjob: :welcome: :balleballe: :congratulations: :banned: :congrats: :dilse: more emoji
Main bazar Single...05 87-88-83 460.370.190 350.....260 Luck is your best\'🤞
MAIN BAZAR 788____32____660 660____23____788 37____________28 _______________________ _______________________
RAJDHANI NIGHT 1 1 1 579 -11- 128 HALF SANGAM....
RAJ NIGHT SINGAL__35 120 Good Luck
RAJDHANI NIGHT 57 56 52 76 75 78 267_168_357_258 250_278_340_269 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 Only_____________
Rajdhani night Derby jackpot don\'t miss thish chance ((((83)))) Miss 33 38 88
MAIN BAZAR _____68_____ _66_______62_ ______58______ __52_______59__ LUTO KILLER_________
KALYAN NIGHT ((( 30...............28 ))) 20 Good luck
_______Mein Bazar-_______ __________-72-___________ ___-21-___________-27-___ King fisher....
RAJDHANI N8 136___02___147 147___20___136 _____________________ _____________________
Main Bazar Single---(46) SUPT---(13) Add---14-19-41-49 239-590-680-128-588-380 Good luck
RAJDHANI NIGHT __________ STRONG JODI 280 X 84 X 347 Gl
MAIN BAZAR 30________________31_32 40________________41_42 GOOD LUCK
Rajdhani night 356-45-799 334-03-788 Gl
Kalyan night 63_______61_______65 43________46_______49 Gud luck
Main bazar 04________06_________09 34________39_________36 Gud luck
Milan night 347__44__699 112__45__780 220__40__235 448__60__334 600__65__230 123__63__788 Good luck
Milan Night 52 25__________27 Gud luck
RAJDHANI NIGHT 448____69____180 180____96____448 64_____________91 _______________________ _______________________
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